Nurturing Self-Awareness Through Mindfulness

Our coaching journey begins with a single step in a positive direction!

Making Mindfulness a Developed Skill

Our children are constantly being influenced by the world around them and both positive and negative

What are some things your kids need for a successful life journey? We begin by locating your child’s inner voices…

  • Are they positive and empowering
  • are they worrisome or negative?

I will begin by meeting your child exactly where they are today and begin to help them nurture their self-awareness as they navigate everyday life.

Striving for Self-Awareness in our Kids

Developing self-awareness is a vital new habits within any child!

One important part of this journey is their self-awareness. Helping your child find out who they see themselves to be is a powerful foundation tool from which your child can leap forward.

This is an important life lesson we want our children to master early on, because the positives it will bring about in their life will be limitless and lifelong. The beauty of self-awareness is that it brings about many positive outcomes such as confidence, optimism, and growth mindset.

Self awareness will help make them aware of unconscious habits or ways of thinking that they have adopted without even realizing it.

We teach them to walk proud and tall in the world, exuding confidence and bravery.

Sheila Jones Headshot on the Water

Self-esteem is the doorway to success in a child’s future. Teaching a child to identify and embrace their personal achievements will help them build a positive mindset and help them to continually set goals to strive for. Enjoy one of my favorite quotes below:

Self-esteem is the real magic wand that can form a child’s future. A child’s self-esteem affects every area of her existence.